Adult Counseling / Expat Support / Chronic Illness

We offer different options to fit your personal needs.

Standard rates
Psicología Online para gente con movilidad limitada por cualquier razón


50 minutes/online session so you can have access to therapy in any circumstance. Specially, for people with reduced mobility or those who can’t leave their homes.


Weekly sessions for a month (4 sessions)

200 180€/Pass

New appointment
Terapia psicológica en Madrid Centro


50 minutes/session. Come to our offices, a professional and comfortable space just for you.


Weekly sessions for a month (4 sessions)

320 300€/Pass

New appointment

Get your first consultation for free

Your first consultation  fast, easy and completely free

Please, fill this form to get your first consultation Online or by phone.

We will discuss your case and your needs, and we will evaluate what therapy can do for you.